last week i spent 5 days with other pais project leaders from across europe at the talmidin academy. we were taught by paul gibbs, global director of pais project, on discipleship.
we learned that one of the key things that is necessary for leading and growing those around you is transparency, giving people an example to follow. so, we have each been encouraged to blog our daily devotions from those 5 days...
personal devos from the talmidim academy
day 2: colossians 1:24-2:13
vs 1:24 now i rejoice in what i am suffering for you...
- when paul wrote this letter to the church in colossae he was in prison
the amazing thing about paul's attitude, he doesn't say "i know Christ will release me from prison"
instead he says "i fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions"
what is my attitude towards the less difficult struggle i face?
what is my purpose for embracing those struggles?
vs 1:25 the word of God in all it's fullness
the word of God-in all it's fullness-is more than words.
matthew 4:4 - man does not live on bread alone, but on the word of God
luke 8 - like a seed that bears fruit in good soil
john 1:1-3 - there from the beginning, with God, was God, all things made through Him
hebrews 4:12 - living and active, a double edged sword
1 peter 1:23 - living and enduring
2 peter 3:5 - creative (it creates)
1 john 2:14 - lives within us
rev 19:11-13 - i saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True...his name is the Word of God.
(just to list a few....)
the word of God
in all it's fullness
is more than words.
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