last week i spent 5 days with other pais project leaders from across europe at the talmidin academy. we were taught by paul gibbs, global director of pais project, on discipleship.
we learned that one of the key things that is necessary for leading and growing those around you is transparency, giving people an example to follow. so, we have each been encouraged to blog our daily devotions from those 5 days...
personal devos from the talmidim academy
day 5: colossians 4:7-18
how do we speak of those we work with? those we lead? those we follow?
paul sends his final greetings and instructions concerning specific individuals...
this list of personal messages speaks to me about how much paul cared for the church and for those who followed his leadership.
an incredible change for someone who--prior to his encounter with Christ--seemed to place little value on the lives of others.
- vs 7 dear brother, faithful minister, fellow servant of Christ
- paul states his confidence and faith in tychicus so that the church might accept tychicus' words of encouragement with their hearts
- most likely the runaway slave who is the subject of paul's letter to philemon
- ran away from philemon and was converted to christianity in rome
- paul describes him as a 'faithful and dear brother'
- a runaway slave now being called faithful....what a change!
- a prisoner with paul...i can only imagine the joy and comfort found in their friendship and suffering together
- barnabus' nephew
- barnabus and paul had a dispute over mark that caused them to go seperate ways.
- acts 15:37 barnabus wanted to take john, also called mark, with them, but paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. they had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company.
- now paul is instructing the church to show respect and hospitality to mark...great example of forgiveness, restoration, leadership.
- a fellow jew and co-worker for Christ
- a great comfort to paul
vs 11 these [listed above] are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me.
- from colossae
- praying and working on behalf of the church in colossae, laodicea and heirapolis
- the doctor
- wrote the gospel of luke and the book of acts
- 2 timothy 4:10 demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me...
- the letter to the colossians was most likely written before demas deserted paul...a sad reality that every leader faces--watching a beloved co-worker choose the world over Christ
- the only woman mentioned in this list
- opened her house to the church
- receives a direct encouragement from paul
- vs 17 'see to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.'
asking for words of encouragement--truth, love, hope, restoration--for those that have been entrusted to me and those i might influence.
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